
Police | Fire | Builing | Public Works


The Police Department is responsible for providing services and protection to all citizens and property within the Village of Broadview, and to enforce laws necessary to maintain safety and health.

Located in the Village Municipal Building at 2350 South 25th Avenue, the department provides service 24 hours a day 7 days a week, including patrol of residential, commercial and industrial sectors of the Village.

Several Crime Prevention and Awareness Programs are also offered, including the Neighborhood Watch and D.A.R.E. programs

Police Chief Lawrence W. Scott has headed up the Village of Broadview Police Department since September 11, 2000, making him the 17th different individual to lead the department since the Village was incorporated in 1914.

Police Department Non-Emergency Number
(708) 345-6550Police Department Emergency Number
911Overnight Parking
(708) 345-6550Police Department Address
2350 South 25th Avenue

For ordinance information, please refer to the Regulations page of this website, or call the police non-emergency number.

Overnight Parking

Overnight parking restrictions are in place in the Village of Broadview. Overnight parking in Municipal lots and Village streets is prohibited between the hours of 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. All violators will be ticketed.

The Chief of Police, or an agent authorized by the Chief, may grant permission for occasional overnight parking privileges, which requires registration with the Police Department. For more information on overnight parking, please call the non-emergency police number at (708) 345-6550.

Snow Parking Restrictions

Village Ordinance prohibits street parking during the snow season, or after a three-inch snowfall, until after the streets have been cleared by Village plows.

In addition, parking in municipal lots after a three-inch snowfall is prohibited until after the lot has been cleared by Village plows.

The Police Department is authorized to have vehicles in violation of snow parking ordinances towed. The vehicle owner will be responsible for all towing and storage costs associated with these illegally parked vehicles.

Board of Police and Fire Commission

The Board of Police and Fire Commission is comprised of three members. Among its responsibilities, the commission examines and hires new police officers, patrol officers and firefighters/paramedics; promotes within the departments; and recommends policy matters to the Village Board of Trustees when they require Board review. The commission meets as needed.

Police Pension Board

The Police Pension Board, as required by State Statute, is comprised of five members as follows: two appointed by the Village President, two elected from the active ranks of the police force, and one from the beneficiaries under the Police Pension Fund Act as created by statute. The board is responsible for overseeing disbursements and investments of the Police Pension Fund. The board meets quarterly.

Village of Broadview Police Department History

At the time the Village of Broadview was incorporated in 1914, Herman Radtke was appointed the first Village Marshall. Because the Village was sparsely populated, his services were not needed very often and thus, the position was most likely unpaid in the beginning. As there was no telecommunications services, electricity or public transportation in the Village, the Marshall had to either walk or use his own horses when his services were required.

In May of 1918, Marshall Radtke received his first assistant when Joseph Huszar was appointed a motorcycle policeman, at a salary of $75 per month. When Marshall Radtke resigned from his position later that year, Huszar—nicknamed Indian Joe most likely because of the Indian Motorcycle he drove throughout his career—was named the Village’s second Marshall. He also was appointed Health Officer, receiving a pay raise to $95 per month.

During his eight years as Village Marshall, Indian Joe spent his time riding his motorcycle throughout the Village watching for speeders exceeding the speed limit of the day, set at between 12 and 20 mph. As Health Officer, he also ensured those quarantined to their homes due to communicable illnesses remained in their homes.

Over time, the appointed Marshall position changed its title to Chief of Police, as it remains today. Over the years, 18 individuals have served as the head of the Police Department. Following is a list of individuals and their approximate years of service:

2005-Raymond Pelletier, Chief of Police
2000-2005    Lawrence W. Scott, Chief of Police
1997-2000Robert A. Dollins, Chief of Police
1984-1997Donald M. George, Chief of Police
1972-1984James T. Tepper, Chief of Police
1970-1972George Bathje, Chief of Police
1967-1970Henry Behn, Chief of Police
1964-1967Harry Behrmann, Chief of Police
1957-1963Arthur Beltz, Village Marshall
1935-1957Edward Grant, Village Marshall
1935Robert Mann, Village Marshall
1934-1935Edward Grant, Village Marshall
1934Harry Schroeder,Village Marshall
1933-1934Fred Rogers, Village Marshall
1931-1933Harry Schroeder, Village Marshall
1931Arthur Popp, Village Marshall
1930-1931Forest F. Coburn, Village Marshall
1926-1930Andrew E. Borg, Village Marshall
1918-1926Joseph Huszar, Village Marshall
1914-1918Herman Radtke, Village Marshall